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News, views and upcoming events

98% of CEOs say sustainability is core to their role

According to the largest CEO study on sustainability ever conducted by SBC member Accenture and the UN Global Compact, the number of CEOs saying sustainability is core to their role has grown by 15 percentage points in 10 years. However, 87% warn that current levels of business disruption will limit delivery of their SDGs. Read more of the results here.

Activate the Allies: Sustainability is no longer a 'role for one'

Sustainability mahi is no longer limited to those with ‘sustainability’ in their job title. Last year, SBC created two communities of practitioners, one for Procurement and one for Comms and Marketing, where sustainability 'allies' could come together to discuss our challenges, opportunities and best practice. See the events section below to learn more and join the kōrero.


Tackling the challenge of dead EV and hybrid batteries

Having processed almost 500 end-of-life hybrid batteries in 2022, Toyota New Zealand plans to ramp up its focus on EV battery recycling. It will do this alongside the Battery Industry Group (B.I.G), whose stakeholder working group includes SBC members 3R Group, Phoenix Metalman Recycling and EECA. Keep up the good work everyone!

NZ's first electric bus depot unveiled

In an exciting step towards its Transport Emissions Reduction Plan, CLC sigantory Auckland Transport unveiled New Zealand's first electric bus depot in Panmure this week alongside its partners, including SBC members Vector and WSP. One electric bus on average saves about 5.3 to 6.2 tonnes of CO2 emissions, and their batteries can travel more than 350km a day. 


Air New Zealand celebrate one year partnering with Trees that Count

In the 12 months it has partnered with Trees that Count (operated by SBC member Project Crimson Trust), Air New Zealand and its customers have helped plant nearly 200,000 native trees. "With the help of Air New Zealand and FlyNeutral customers, we’ve been able to support incredible restoration work by planters all around Aotearoa," said Project Crimson Trust CEO Robyn Haugh.


BusinessNZ Network want to hear from you

BusinessNZ Network is embarking on its sustainability journey and is keen to hear from other businesses about the challenges and opportunities they're facing along their own sustainability journeys. If you have a few minutes, please take this short survey to share your thoughts and insights. You do not need to be a BusinessNZ Network member to participate.


In other news


Job opportunities

Sustainable Business Council (Wellington or Auckland)

Genesis (Auckland, Hamilton)

Auckland Transport (Auckland)

SBC hui


Free online taster for the Sustainability Leadership Programme

Online | 9 February 2023, 10:00-11:00am NZST

Are you passionate about sustainability, but don’t yet feel like you have the knowledge or toolkit to push the needle in your organisation? Join us for this free online taster session to hear from past participants on how SLP has had a positive impact on their leadership within their current role and organisation and beyond. Registrations are now open for SLP, with early bird applications closing on 24 February, 2023.


Introducing sustainability: the what, the why 

and the how for businesses 

Auckland and Wellington | January-March 2023, 9:00am-5:00pm NZST

Are you wanting to better understand sustainability, its application in businesses and why it’s important? SBC and BusinessNZ Network are excited to share our introductory sustainability day course, where you can connect with fellow businesses to learn about key elements of sustainability. Designed and developed by the in-house expertise of our sustainability and learning and development specialists, this promises to leave you with an informed, connected and inspired view of how you can begin making an impact through your business. 


Other hui


NEW: Aotearoa SDG Summit 2023 

University of Waikato campus, Hamilton, or virtual | 9-10 February 2023

Over two action-packed days, this event will unpack some of the key issues affecting the wellbeing of the Waikato Region right now, with the goal of consolidating efforts and spurring further action to tackle climate change, promote community cohesion and prepare individuals, organisations and businesses to create fairer futures. The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will provide the backbone of this unique event, reminding us of the many threads that create strong, fair, sustainable communities and businesses.


More about SBC events. For other low emissions events, see the Climate Leaders Coalition events calendar.

Please send Pānui stories (50 words plus square image) to by Wednesday 12pm. 

26 January 2023