Postgrad Cert for Human Potential in the Digital Economy
4 March 2020
SBC is pleased to be exploring a partnership with Tech Futures Lab on their Postgraduate Certificate in Human Potential for the Digital Economy. This programme will give you space to explore your ideas in the context of global and societal shifts, digitalisation and innovation, and hone your ability to influence change for your community, your workplace and your life. Find out more.
Embed: working with your supply chain to reduce emissions
Auckland, Mon 23 March
Following on from the EMBARK conference this is the second of our Embed workshops for SBC and CLC members which focus on tangible climate action. Join us for an inspirational and informative session on how to work with your suppliers to tackle emissions in your value chain.
Register and more information.
Sustainability training for C-suite and Executives
Sept/Oct 2020, Auckland
The CISL Executive Leadership Programme sets the global benchmark for sustainability leadership education. We are seeking expressions of interest from SBC members to support its roll out in New Zealand.
To register your interest, please contact Rob Perry.
Conversations that Count - Wellington Chamber of Commerce
Wellington | Weds 26 Feb | 5.30pm – 7.30pm
How can New Zealand business fairly represent all genders in leadership positions? In this panel session, Minister for Women Julie Anne Genter, Dr Farah Palmer and other academics will focus on inclusive leadership in the context of culture and power structures.
Register and more information.
Korean Business Council Sustainable Development delegation visits
Connect at senior exec level with some of Korea’s most influential corporates and hear directly from Jin-Soo Park (Chairperson of Board for LG Chem) on the future of EVs. More about KBCSD.
Auckland, Cordis Hotel | Feb 28 4.30pm
Email Mingu Jun for further details.
WBCSD LEAP for women leaders
March, June, October 2020
A new education project building on the strong foundations of the WBCSD Leading Women Awards.
More information
Public lecture on Business and the Paris Agreement
Wellington, 2 March
Victoria University is hosting Dr Rob Charnock, Birmingham Business School, between 2-6 March. The lecture will be on Business Implications of the Paris Agreement: Strategic planning in a new era of climate governance
If any Wellington based members wish to meet with Dr Charnock, contact Adrian Macey, FCA-School of Government.
More information about the lecture.
Capital Matters 2020 Conference
Wellington, 12 March
In partnership with BDO, this event for senior leaders will address the key issues facing business and leadership today. It will bring together industry experts in a variety of fields that members have identified as key concerns for them in 2020.
More information
EVs and Beyond - EVTalk conference
Auckland, March 16 - 17
International and national speakers on a wide range of EV related topics.
Register and more information.
Sustainable Document Management & Print Workshop Series
Fuji Xerox, 79 Carlton Gore Rd, Auckland
Thurs 26 March, 2-5pm
Sustainability, IT, Procurement, and Print Room Managers are all invited to a quarterly workshop hosted by Fuji Xerox New Zealand. Learn about transforming document management to achieve sustainability wins, save money, boost productivity, and improve efficiency. Please pass along to keen colleagues, and register your interest at