News, views and upcoming events
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He mōwai koa
Great to see so much te reo goodness this week, we were happy to catch the parade on Lambton Quay on Monday. Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei are giving customers who order coffee in te reo at one of four cafés 50% off their order. Spark have released Kupu 2.0 for use in the classroom. And the Financial Markets Authority and Institute of Directors have released a te reo version of The Essentials of Being a Director.
New tools to reduce climate impact of freight
Inspired by SBC's 2016 Guidelines, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development have released their own Smart Freight Procurement Guidelines to help organisations influence their freight and logistics supply chain to make a positive impact on reducing GHG emissions and air pollutants. BSR's Sustainable Freight Procurement Framework complements the Guidelines.
Massey launches Master's of SDGs
The new Master of Sustainable Development Goals will focus on implementing the goals, in particular how to measure an organisation, community or country’s performance against the goals and how to work with others to achieve more sustainable outcomes.  
Kiwi Pale Ale NZ's first CarboNZero beer
Christchurch craft brewery The Fermentist is the first in the country to receive Enviro-Mark Solutions carboNZero certification for its Kiwi Pale Ale. Emissions from the whole life cycle have been taken into account - from growing the grain to keeping the beer in your fridge at home. Simon Taylor, GM talks about the journey. 
Countdown target 60% emissions reduction 
Countdown has announced its target to reduce carbon emissions by 60 per cent by 2030 vs its 2015 levels, in line with an increase in warming limited to 1.5 degrees. Their new 2019 Sustainability Report shows all of their goals against the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. 
Coming attractions: Motorhome showdown 
thl have introduced electric motorhomes in response to the rise in ecotourism. Two teams from thinkstep went on a fact-finding mission around the North Island in two Britz motorhomes – one electric and one diesel, to see how each of them performs. Read more about the project in thl’s first Integrated Report (p. 49) or watch the trailer for the series
Talking about climate change with your kids
Stuff has published a useful guide to talking about climate change with young people in a way that shows how serious the situation is, without scaring them witless, including helpful comment from Professor Marc Wilson at Victoria University of Wellington. 
Five things I learnt from the Sustainability Leadership Programme
Jay Crangle, our Events and Training Manager, looks back on what she learnt during the 2019 Sustainability Leadership Programme, ending with the final session on Leading Culture. And we hear from Sharon Manssen, Aurecon about what she gained from the programme. Apply now for 2020
Technology and innovating for the future of work 
The Productivity Commission has released its first draft report on technology and productivity in New Zealand for the inquiry into Technological change and the future of work. And our recent innovation sprint produced four proposed experiments to be developed. Contact Robert Perry to get involved.
Rewatch: Annual Council Meeting 
Catch up on the sessions from our Annual Council Meeting in August, including the work programme update, presentations by our Executive Director Abbie Reynolds and outgoing Chair Alistair Davis, and our panel of young people advising businesses how best to engage with their communities. 
Survey of business decision-makers 
Have your say on current business issues. The BusinessNZ Mood of the Boardroom survey takes the pulse of business sentiment among business owners and operators throughout New Zealand. The survey results will be published by NZ Herald on 24 September. 
Call for climate research proposals 
The Deep South Challenge is looking to fund research that will enable climate-sensitive sectors - hapū and iwi, business, and local and central government - to adapt to climate change. Funding proposals are due 8 November 2019 to start in April 2020.
Welcome back Renee! 
After a year working on her first "start-up", Renee Graham is back on board as SBC's Communications Manager. Catherine and Renee are now job-sharing, so please keep sending items for Panui and social media to both of us. Catherine is now also working for thinkstep ANZ two days a week. 
Job Alerts
Auckland Council - Sustainable Living Specialist
- Internal Sustainable Living Specialist
Come and work with us! 
Executive Director - applications close 20 September 
Member Manager - applications close 27 September 

Webchat: Brand and sustainability with NZ Post
Online, 17 Sept, 1 - 1:30pm
Join us in conversation with New Zealand Post's Dawn Baggaley (Head of Sustainability) and Sarah Sandoval (GM Consumer Marketing and Brand) to discuss how brand and marketing work enhances NZ Post's sustainability aims and the organisation's overall reputation.

Register and more information 

Embed: Strategies to influence climate action in your business 
Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, 24 September
As business awareness of climate change continues to gain momentum, how do you translate this into tangible action? Following the EMBARK conference, come along for an inspirational and informative session on ways to influence climate action behaviour in your business.

Register and more information 

Climate-related risk - creating value from good governance 

Auckland, 22 October, 7 - 8:45am 
Speakers Jonathan Mason (Director, Air NZ, Vector, Westpac, Zespri) Mike Roan (CFO, Meridian) and Karen Silk (GM Commercial Corporate & Institutional, Westpac) explore why managing climate risk is vital to ensuring the future of your business. This event is open to CEOs, CFOs and Directors. 
RSVP by 23 Sept
Register and more information 

Sustainability leadership in a changing world
Auckland, May, June & September 2020  
Applications are open now for the 2020 Sustainability Leaders Programme delivered in partnership with Catapult. Early bird applications close 31 October and all applications are due by 29 November. Non SBC members are welcome to apply.

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2019
Māori Language Week - September 9 to 15.
The theme is Kia Kaha te Reo Māori. Download resources from
Te Taura Whiri i te Reo (Maori Language Commission).

Money Week 2019 with Westpac
Online, 9-15 September.
Look towards the future you want. 
Money Week activities include live Facebook Q&A sessions with financial wellbeing experts, webinars and a competition.
Money Week is an annual event organised by the Commission for Financial Capability. 

Victoria University Sustainability Week
Wellington, 9-13 September
Toitū te Ao—Sustainability Week - five days of lunchtime and evening talks, panel discussions and other events. 
More information

Thriving in a low emissions future: early steps and accelerating progress
Auckland, 18 September
Deloitte and Proxima kick off the second year of the Climate Leaders Coalition with an applied breakfast workshop on how to progress and capture the opportunities of measuring, managing and reducing emissions.  

Register and more information

Science-Based Targets workshops - thinkstep
Speakers in the series include NZ Post, Contact Energy, Christchurch International Airport, The New Zealand Merino Company, WWF-New Zealand, SkyCity and Mercury Energy. 
Entry is free for SBC members

Wellington: 19 September | Christchurch: 20 September | Auckland: 26 September

Navigating to Smart and Sustainable Logistics Procurement 
Online, 20 September 
BSR, Smart Freight Centre and WBCSD webinar for logistics professionals looking for guidance on reducing emissions and pollutants in the supply chain. 

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School Strike 4 Climate NZ
Nationwide, 27 September

More information

International Coffee Day
Worldwide, 1 October 
farmers and workers in developing countries by sharing a picture of your cup of Fairtrade coffee on Instagram in the days leading up to International Coffee Day. Tag @FairtradeNZ #everycupempowers #internationalcoffeeday. 

Climate Change & Business Conference 2019
Auckland, 8 - 9 October 

Register and more information

A Zero Carbon Christchurch – a business focussed conference 
Christchurch, 11 October 
Sustainable Business Network and Enviro-Mark Solutions invite you to explore what a Zero Carbon Christchurch means for your business.

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Go Global 2019 Export Conference 
Auckland, 17 October

Register and more information 

Beyond Green to Gold: The imperative for environmental, social, and economic sustainability 
Trans Tasman Business Circle Insight Series 
Auckland, 18 October, 12 to 2 pm
Panel includes Dr Ann Smith, CEO Enviro-Mark Solutions and Mike Bennetts, CEO Z Energy. 

Register and more information

Convergence for a carbon transition 2020 - 2030
Nationwide, 21-22 November
New Zealand engineering organisations are hosting a conference on designing the necessary transition away from fossil fuels. 

Register and more information 
For other low emissions events see the Climate Leaders Coalition events calendar.
12 September 2019

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