Supporting our members during Covid-19

Supporting our members during Covid-19

A series of articles on practical ways to lead, adapt and build resilience during these uncertain times, while staying connected – at a distance.

The Covid-19 situation has dramatically changed the way we live and work. We have produced a series of articles on practical ways to lead, adapt and build resilience during the Covid-19 crisis and the recovery.

This information is drawn from our members and other examples of good practice.


  1. Caring for each other
  2. Top tips for working together during ‘bubble time’
  3. Setting up your online workshop for success
  4. Leading out from inside our bubbles
  5. Navigating new ways of working during the recovery
  6. An unexpected crystal ball: Good Life 2.0 Playbook
  7. Guest Blog: Sustainability movement will survive Covid-19
  8. Preparing for “the new normal”

If you or your organisation have tools, resources or practices that that you would like to share to help others in the member network adapt to the challenges associated with the Covid-19 recovery, please email SBC Communications.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions, to share ideas, or to learn remotely.

More on SBC and Covid-19

By Robert Perry, Manager, Sustainable Leadership

Contact: Robert Perry, Manager, Sustainable Leadership, Sustainable Business Council



7 Jun, 2020

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