Celebrate and make the most of your membership

Listing membership of SBC on your website is a great way to show your organisation is taking practical steps on sustainability.

You may want to include the SBC logo on a web page about your sustainability activity, and in your annual report or sustainability report.

The following resources have been prepared for member use.

Tagline: Business, people and nature thriving together

Link to www.sbc.org.nz

More info if needed:

  • Purpose: To mobilise New Zealand’s most ambitious businesses to build a thriving and sustainable future for all. SBC operates out of BusinessNZ, and is the only New Zealand-based Global Network Partner of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development in Geneva.
  • SBC has over 135 members, including some of New Zealand’s largest companies.
  • SBC’s three pillars of work include: Leadership, Climate Action, and Thriving People. SBC supports the Climate Leaders Coalition.

    SBC logos and tiles for downloading

    Graphics for online are available below. Right-click and Save Image As to download.

    Communication tips for getting the most from your membership

    Most of our members join to find like-minded sustainability bods and share knowledge and best practice. But there are also many benefits for your reputation and profile from being an SBC member.

    If you’re new to SBC, or just want to share the great projects that you’re working on with a wider audience, read on.

    SBC has over 135 members, some of them New Zealand’s biggest companies. Sharing your stories in this community is a great way to reach potential partners, consumers, stakeholders and even media.

    Here are five easy steps for making the most of your membership, for your communications team, PR agency or whoever is in charge of your mailing lists and website.

    1. Send your sustainability stories to [email protected]

    Our communications team regularly monitor this inbox and we share your stories on our LinkedIn and Pānui newsletter.

    Put SBC Comms on your mailing list for media releases, newsletters, events – and let us know when your sustainability report comes out, as we have a special Reporting Corner to profile member reports.

    Pānui is our most popular channel, with 2,000+ subscribers (including members and non-members), and an average open rate of 30%. It is also available on our website, and stories are shared through socials. Pānui comes out on Thursday afternoons around 4pm. If you want a story included that week, please send it through by 12 noon on a Wednesday. What we need:

    • Main stories: Title, ~50 words body copy, 1 image in square format and a link to more information on your website.
    • Event listings: Title, location, date, 50 words short description, 1 image in banner format and a link for more information.

    If you work for an SBC member company, subscribe to Pānui here – this will give you access to member-only content. Please also forward Pānui within your organisation and encourage your team members to subscribe directly.

    2. Follow us on Linkedin

    We have an engaged follower base, and we will mention you in any relevant posts.


    3. Got a story you haven’t written down yet? Let us know.

    Get in touch at [email protected] and we can talk about how to help you tell it.

    • We often get media asking us for good story ideas – for example, they might want to hear about sustainability action in the tourism sector. We put them in touch with members who are working on cool stuff. Tell us who your communications team contacts are so we can get in touch quickly when a media opportunity comes up.
    • Not sure how to tell the story? We publish case studies, podcast interviews and videos of our members talking about various initiatives. Let us know if your sustainability manager, CEO or technical expert would like to be interviewed.  
    • Wondering who to pitch to? We can let you know what has worked in the past and point you in the right direction.

    4. Do you have good speakers for topics?

    We are always looking for speakers at our webinars and events on climate, Sustainable Development Goals, consumer decision-making, the future of work, and reporting trends, among other things.

    5. Tell everyone you’re an SBC member

    • Feature SBC membership on your website or email footer using the logo download above
    • Feature SBC membership on your intranet – along with links to our members-only playlists of past webinars and events.
    • Talk about your sustainability efforts in your annual report. Include a box on SBC membership and what it has helped you achieve.
    • If you’ve just joined, we can help you with a quote for an announcement, or tiles for social media.

    6. But wait, there’s more!

    Are you also a member of the Climate Leaders Coalition? The CLC team can help you share your emissions reduction stories in much the same way.

    Contact [email protected] to find out more.