SBC and CLC submission on the Climate Change Commission’s Pathways Consultation

The Sustainable Business Council (SBC) and Climate Leaders Coalition (CLC) have submitted a collective response to the Climate Change Commission’s consultation on three critical documents: the 2050 emissions reduction target, the fourth emissions budget, and the potential inclusion of international aviation and shipping emissions in the 2050 target.

This document represents the collective views of the members of SBC and CLC, a group of more than 160 businesses who contribute more than 40 percent of New Zealand’s GDP.SBC is part of BusinessNZ, New Zealand’s largest business organisation.

SBC and CLC members are committed to supporting New Zealand’s climate change response architecture, which has provided a clear signal to the private sector about the path to a net zero-emissions, climate-resilient economy by 2050.

This submission draws on previous publications and highlights the need for targets and policies aligned with the Paris Agreement, a focus on gross emissions reductions, consideration of the role of nature-based solutions, removals through native afforestation, an effective policy mix, and stability of policies across governments. Tackling the nature crisis alongside the climate crisis is essential and creates a virtuous circle of co-benefits that amplifies any investment.

Read the submission here.

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