About the Sustainable Business Council

The Sustainable Business Council (SBC) is a membership organisation with over 130 businesses from all sectors, ambitious for a sustainable New Zealand. Our members represent $169 billion of collective turnover, 41% of GDP, and over 276,000 full-time jobs. Our network gives our members unparalleled influence and the ability to take large-scale collective action.

Our businesses believe that we have an opportunity to set New Zealand on the path towards an exciting future, which is prosperous, sustainable, regenerative, zero carbon1, and where all New Zealanders thrive. Businesses at the forefront of sustainability are embracing responsible practice, resilience, and regeneration. The regenerative approach aims to enhance the environment and restore the relationship between people and nature.

We have before us a brief window of opportunity to address both the economic crisis and the looming climate crisis. This will take courage, vision, and tenacity.

The intent behind this strategy is to rise to the challenge of our times. It responds to the loud call from our membership for the leadership and collective action that will be necessary to ensure we reset our economy and build back better.

We use the term ‘zero carbon’ as it is used in the Zero Carbon Act to mean all domestic greenhouse gas emissions including biogenic methane.

A unique positioning

SBC is the only New Zealand-based Global Network Partner of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development in Geneva.

We have aligned our work to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.

What We Do

Our purpose is to mobilise New Zealand’s most ambitious businesses to build a thriving and sustainable future for all.
Read our strategy

Our Members

We deliver impact by championing our members to be at the leading-edge of sustainability and in doing so inspire other businesses to take action.


SBC is governed by an advisory board elected by our Council Members, who are each member company’s CEO or their direct report.

Our People

Meet the Sustainable Business Council team

Membership Enquiries

Pravin manages member engagement, supporting members to connect with SBC services and programmes.

021 0237 6327
[email protected]


Pravin Sawmy

Membership Manager