COP26 Wrap up

COP26 Wrap up

To help you take the pulse of global climate action and engage with COP26, we have created a guide to help you get the most out of the programme from here in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The final days

COP26 is done and dusted, resulting in the Glasgow Climate Pact. Despite some bold new pledges – including India’s net zero by 2070 target –and a potentially game changing deal between the US and China, global commitments are not enough to get us to 1.5 degrees.

However, the outcomes from COP26 – particularly completion of the ‘Paris Rulebook’ including a long-awaited carbon markets deal, a signal of the end of coal (even if watered down), and agreement to report on progress annually – represent real, if incremental, progress.

And while the final COP26 summit agreement has evoked a range of responses, the consensus from delegates on the ground is that it is better than no deal at all.

Climate Minister’s Wrap

The final agreement from COP26 includes progress on a range of priority areas for our Government, including on raising ambition and international cooperation to cut emissions. Read Climate Change Minister James Shaw’s breakdown on the key parts of the final agreement.

Turning ambition into action

With the two-week talks now wrapped up, what remains critical is for all participating countries to go home and get to work on harnessing the momentum of COP26, including here in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Members are invited to join us on Friday 19 November at 1pm for a webinar with participants who have just returned home from Glasgow, to discuss insights and ideas about what comes next.

Rod Oram reports from COP26

Updates and insights from New Zealand journalist Rod Oram reporting regularly for SBC/CLC from Glasgow. Watch the whole playlist.

Episode 1 – The Methane pledge, NDCs, Glasgow Financial Alliance and more

Read the transcript.  

Episode 2 Part 1 – On the ground with Dave Rouse of CarbonClick

Episode 2 Part 2 – Negotiations, carbon markets, and ambition loops

Read the transcript. Read the transcript.

Episode 3 Part 1 – On the ground with The Warehouse Group’s David Benattar

Episode 3 Part 2 – The challenge of collective global action

Read the transcript. Read the transcript.

Episode 4: The final day of action

Read the transcript

18 Nov, 2021

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