Growing great leaders – the 2017 Future Leaders Programme

Growing great leaders – the 2017 Future Leaders Programme

SBC and Catapult are thrilled to announce this year’s Future Leaders Programme is focused on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals.

The Goals put the business community at the centre of global efforts to eradicate poverty, raise living standards, combat climate change and improve environmental protections.

The Goals provide a framework for companies to connect to sustainability at a global scale. They also help companies tap into new markets and meet the needs of society.

As a result, a growing number of companies around the world are already using the SDGS to shape their strategies and actions.

SBC and Catapult are excited to host 26 future leaders from 22 member companies. The participants will be developing their sustainable leadership skills, learning new tools and gaining new insights.

The participants’ group work on the Global Goals will help shape SBC’s work programme over the next 12 months. Their recommendations for action will also require collaboration amongst SBC members and cross-sectoral partnerships, so collective action can be rapid and at scale.

It is an exciting time to be in business –sustainability is now recognised as a core leadership capability.

Rob Perry, Sustainable Leadership Manager

Contact: Rob Perry, Sustainable Leadership Manager

Phone: +64274559104


7 Jun, 2017

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