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Pānui news – 11 July

Pānui news – 11 July

In this week's edition of Pānui, the Government launches its new Climate Strategy, we share some of the social sustainability findings from Better Futures 2024, MBIE consultation opens on carbon capture regulatory regime, greater alignment is coming between GHG...

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Q&A with Dr Roger Robson-Williams (Plant & Food Research) on nature

Q&A with Dr Roger Robson-Williams (Plant & Food Research) on nature

SBC is delivering a series of guides on the fundamentals of sustainability, covering topics ranging from sustainability strategies through to nature and biodiversity. As part of this series, we caught up with our members to get their insights on some of the different...

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Pānui news – 6 June

Pānui news – 6 June

In this week's edition of Pānui, we share a WBCSD article on SBC and members' work in the 'S' in ESG space, we remind members to have their say in our annual member survey, IAG establishes milestone...

Pānui news – 30 May

Pānui news – 30 May

In this week's edition of Pānui, we share our latest SBC Guide on climate adaptation, we share a case study on Chorus' diversity, equity and inclusion journey, we outline how this year's CCBC...

Pānui news – 23 May

Pānui news – 23 May

In this week's edition of Pānui, we're seeking RFPs for an introduction to sustainability course, Genesis and Spark announce a 10-year renewable energy partnership, Charlotte Kootstra...

Pānui news – 16 May

Pānui news – 16 May

In this week's edition of Pānui, SBC and CLC share our joint submission to the Climate Change Commission, we welcome the inquiry into a bipartisan climate adaptation framework, we share our new SBC...

Pānui news – 9 May

Pānui news – 9 May

In this edition of Pānui, we share our new SBC Guide on making the business case for sustainability, we share info about the event we helped deliver on climate change and health, we share a...

Pānui news – 2 May

Pānui news – 2 May

In this edition of Pānui, we share a final reminder to feed into SBC/CLC's submission to the CCC Pathways, we share new offerings in our Leadership in Sustainability work programme, Mike offers his...

Pānui news – 24 April

Pānui news – 24 April

In this edition of Pānui, we call for feedback on our draft submission to the CCC Pathways Consultation, we announce a new community of practice around sustainability during a recession, Robert...

Pānui news – 18 April

Pānui news – 18 April

In this week's edition of Pānui, Air New Zealand inks its largest SAF deal and announces its Mission Next Gen airports, MfE releases a snapshot of NZ's GHG Inventory 1990-2022, SBC steps up the...

Pānui news – 11 April

Pānui news – 11 April

In this week's edition of Pānui, the Climate Change Commission's Pathways consultation opens, AgriZeroNZ brings on new shareholders including SBC member ASB, MfE releases its 'Our land 2024' report,...

Pānui news – 4 April

Pānui news – 4 April

In this week's edition of Pānui, we share an advocacy update from Mike and Antonia, registrations for CCBC open, we share a new video around greenwashing featuring Daniel Street from DLA Piper, MFAT...