Our Advocacy
SBC membership offers businesses the opportunity to influence key climate-related government decisions, budgets and pieces of legislation, ensuring their voices are heard at the highest level. Alongside the Climate Leaders Coalition, we advocate on behalf of our 160+ collective members to over six different government ministries and agencies, providing a clear, consistent and reputable voice for sustainable business.
Through SBC advocacy, our members have influenced:
- the inclusion of $339m of new funding for agriculture emissions reduction technology and applied R&D
- an increase in the GIDI fund from $65m to $600m for the transition from coal-fired process heat to low-emissions options
- the inclusion of 12 out of 14 member priority recommendations in the final draft of the first Emissions Reduction Plan
“SBC is a professional body providing invaluable aid to business to enable them to interpret, respond and link into government initiatives but also providing clarity and tools to enable business’ next steps on their sustainability journey.” – Member survey, 2022
SBC and CLC response to the Government’s Draft Second Emissions Reduction Plan
The Sustainable Business Council (SBC) and Climate Leaders Coalition (CLC) welcome the opportunity to respond to the Government’s Draft Second Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP2).
The companies and organisations represented – over 40% of New Zealand’s current GDP – are committed to working together to play an active role in meeting New Zealand’s emissions budgets and targets, and setting our economy up for a low-emissions, climate resilient future.
This response represents the experience of members in reducing their emissions and draws on previous submissions, reflecting SBC and CLC’s ongoing engagement with climate policy and action.