Thriving People

There is an increasingly urgent need to embed social sustainability within Aotearoa New Zealand’s workplaces, communities and wider society – and business has an important role to play. 

Our vision

SBC’s vision for Thriving People involves members contributing towards a just transition and working to resolve the most material issues facing society. They are building prosperous businesses that work with communities, so no-one is left behind. 

In October 2023, we launched our flagship report ‘Thriving People – Strengthening the ‘S’ in ESG’, which showed the New Zealand business community has an exciting role to play in progressing social impact and equity. We’ve made significant progress in activating the report’s recommendations and are establishing a strong foundation to achieve collective impact. Collaboration, innovation, and responsible business practice combined can be a powerful lever for change, delivering impact greater than what a single business could achieve alone.

Our Thriving People programme supports members through thought leadership and best practice, fostering connection, capability building, and collaboration across communities of collective action with focus on:  

  • Thriving Communities – moving community investment beyond philanthropy, by building relational based approaches to deliver greater impact and value by embracing reciprocity.
  • Sustainable supply chains – adopting an ‘end-to-end’ view, addressing Modern Slavery and applying human rights due diligence to catalyse positive social impact.
  • Employment practices – building on existing strengths to drive excellence.

Underpinning all of our mahi is a focus on weaving te ao Māori into our thinking and delivery.

      Work programme

      Capability building

      Promoting uptake of the social sustainability maturity matrix in our ‘S’ in ESG report and deliver practical guidance on good practice 


      Facilitating three scalable collaborations across community impact, supply chain due diligence and employment practices

      Collective action

      Galvanizing businesses around a series of common social sustainability challenges to support just transitions

      Future of Work

      Building adaptive skills, workforces and ways of working to support Just Transitions to Net Zero. Learn about SBC’s Future Skills ecosystem here. 


      Hosting in-person networking events and delivering bimonthly webinars to lift social sustainability practices 

      Thought Leadership

      Providing access to thought leadership and insights from members on emerging social sustainability issues

      Completed areas of work

      • Lifting the living standards of Aotearoa (3 part series)
      • Moving Beyond Diversity – Creating Workplaces of Belonging. SBC members are integrating ways of working that support greater diversity and inclusion within their businesses and reporting progress transparently
      • Social Impact – SBC members are collectively increasing and measuring their positive impact on the communities in which they work

      Robert has over 20 years’ experience providing strategic leadership on critical sustainability issues and solutions in business, consultancy and public sector organisations in the UK, Australia and New Zealand.

      [email protected]

      Robert Perry

      Manager, Thriving People

      Pages and resources

      What does Better Futures reveal about the ‘S’ in ESG?

      What does Better Futures reveal about the ‘S’ in ESG?

      For 15 years, the Kantar Better Futures Report (delivered in partnership with SBC) has been the reference point ...
      Thriving People Working Groups

      Thriving People Working Groups

      Thriving People Working GroupsSBC has established two working groups within the Thriving People programme, aimed ...
      What FY2025 has in store for Thriving People 

      What FY2025 has in store for Thriving People 

      In October last year, we launched our flagship report ‘Thriving People – Strengthening the ‘S’ in ESG’.  How time ...
      Chorus: Putting inclusion and diversity at the heart of good business

      Chorus: Putting inclusion and diversity at the heart of good business

      Like other businesses in the technology industry, telecommunication infrastructure provider Chorus had long ...
      The Warehouse Group: Tackling the challenge of ethical sourcing

      The Warehouse Group: Tackling the challenge of ethical sourcing

      The Warehouse Group (TWG) is the country’s largest general merchandise retailer, aiming to help Kiwis live better ...
      Putting the heart in our mahi – Activating ‘S’ in ESG 

      Putting the heart in our mahi – Activating ‘S’ in ESG 

      Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi  I love this whakatauki as it talks to community, to ...
      How should businesses measure and maximise social impact? 

      How should businesses measure and maximise social impact? 

      SBC’s 2024 Thriving Voices online event series continued last week with our kaputī kōrero focusing on measuring ...
      Fonterra: Doing Good Together through community investment and impact

      Fonterra: Doing Good Together through community investment and impact

      Fonterra is a dairy co-operative owned by thousands of New Zealand dairy farmers and their families. Being a ...
      Social sustainability trends to look out for in 2024 

      Social sustainability trends to look out for in 2024 

      We know the 'S' in ESG has been living in the shadow of ‘E’. However, business leaders are increasingly realising ...
      Updates on THRIVE – SBC’s Future Work ecosystem

      Updates on THRIVE – SBC’s Future Work ecosystem

      By Robert Perry, Manager Thriving People December 2023  SBC and founding project partners Meridian, NZ ...
      Modern slavery laws – how ready is your organisation?

      Modern slavery laws – how ready is your organisation?

      8, 10, [??], 8,000 – What’s the missing number?  The answer is 77. If you answered correctly, you must have ...
      Thriving Communities – equipping your business for growing impact together  

      Thriving Communities – equipping your business for growing impact together  

      SBC’s Thriving Voices online event series continued last week with our kaputī kōrero focusing on community ...