Colmar Brunton Better Futures Launch 2021

Live Chat

To join the Q&A session please log in below using the password you used to join this event, as well as your first name and company name

We have listened to 1200 New Zealanders to understand their biggest social and environmental concerns from 2020. This event will explore how COVID-19 has impacted New Zealanders views and behaviours and what this means for sustainable business strategies going forward.

We will explore where New Zealanders’ priorities lie compared to other markets and outline what role brands play in driving sustainable transformation.

Sarah Bolger, Head of Colmar Brunton will present the report results and we will be joined by special guests Mike Burrell (Executive Director, SBC), Teina Boasa-Dean (Tūhoe Historian, Scientist & Co-creator of the Takarangi (Bio-Spiral Economies Framework), Dr Ian Longley Principal Scientist – Air Quality, Programme Leader – Atmospheric Environment, Health and Society (NIWA).

We look forward to seeing you online soon.

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