Waste Management was a founding member of the New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development (now SBC) in 1999, along with Living Earth.

Waste Management was a founding member of the New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development (now SBC) in 1999, along with Living Earth.
Alistair Davis reflects on what has been achieved in the last 20 years and what we need to do in the next 20 years.
Volker Kuntzsch reflects on what he has seen in sustainable business in the last 20 years and what needs to happen in the next 20 years.
Future of Work Breakfast for CEOs and Directors, 1 April 2019
Developed by SBC and Colmar Brunton, the Good Life 2.0 Playbook New Zealand is the first major national survey on New Zealanders’ aspirations and attitudes to ‘living well’.
The Colmar Brunton Better Futures report has important insights on what New Zealanders think about social and environmental issues. The 2018 report was launched in February 2019.
The SBC team talk about its projects, priorities and goals, what sustainability leadership will look like in 2019, and the state of play of sustainability storytelling.
A workshop on how and where sustainability fits into the procurement process, and how to tackle challenges.
In November 2018, Beca hosted a workshop on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, looking at the latest developments and approaches for embedding the SDGs into business. We heard from MFAT, Sanford, Vector and Christchurch International Airport.
At our Annual Council Meeting in August, SBC invited four business leaders to take part in a panel discussion on the future of work.
Reverse mentoring, targeted development for young people, taking 13-year-olds to Silicon Valley and looking for new ways to use existing skills – these were some of the insights shared with our members at the Annual Council Meeting in August, on the theme of ‘The Future Is Now’.
In this final workshop, convened by SBC, WWF and Enviro-Mark Solutions, three leading businesses in New Zealand (Contact Energy, Ports of Auckland and Fletcher Building) talk about their journey to set science based targets.