Small business climate adaptation toolkit

Small business climate adaptation toolkit

(SECCCA) This interactive toolkit is designed to help small business owners prepare for the impacts of climate change by building an adaptation plan for their business. The small business adaptation toolkit is a seven-step process to help business owners.
Small business climate adaptation toolkit

Climate change adaptation practioner guidance

(IEMA (UK) An introduction to adaptation from a strategic perspective (i.e. why it must be a core activity for both public and private sector organisations) and from a practical one (i.e. how to get started)
A guide to just transitions for communities in Aotearoa New Zealand.

A guide to just transitions for communities in Aotearoa New Zealand.

(Just Transitions Aotearoa Group and Motu Research) A guide to just transitions He puka arataki whakawhitinga tika can help regions, communities and organisations across Aotearoa New Zealand navigate their own just transition processes in response to challenges such...
Small business climate adaptation toolkit

Climate Change Adaptation Toolbox

(NIWA) This Climate Change Adaptation Toolbox helps you find out about the changing climate, what it might mean for your business, organisation or community and what you can do about it. You can assess your current climate resilience and plan for future change by...
Small business climate adaptation toolkit

Accelerating Business Action on Climate Change Adaptation

(PwC and World Economic Forum) “In this joint report with the World Economic Forum, PwC examines the risks and opportunities associated with the impacts of climate change, and present a framework that businesses can use to develop their approach to climate...
Small business climate adaptation toolkit

Sector specific adaptation road maps

(The Aotearoa Circle) Including agriculture, tourism, seafood, finance and energy; looks at climate scenarios and a roadmap of actions with the aim of creating sectors that are proactively planning for the future and building long-term resilience.
Small business climate adaptation toolkit

Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation

(WBCSD) WBCSD’s report brings together important global developments and latest thinking on climate adaptation and resilience, with particular focus on private sector climate resilience. It builds on the need for businesses to prepare for both the physical risks that...