Work, work, work. Big opportunities for business hiring young people

Work, work, work. Big opportunities for business hiring young people

New Zealand’s young people are acknowledged as very important to business leaders, but there’s a gap between that sentiment and the actual outcomes for young Kiwis.

According to OECD data, 13.2 per cent of New Zealand’s 15 to 24 year olds are unemployed and actively looking for work.

That’s more than double Iceland and Japan’s youth unemployment rates, which are 6.5 and 5.2 per cent respectively. In fact, we’re trailing behind 17 other countries in the developed world. Mexico and Germany are way ahead at 7.7 and 7 per cent, and the UK and Australia are marginally better, at 13 and 12.7 per cent.

The numbers are troubling because young people who leave school and don’t get a job risk becoming disengaged from their communities. And we know the effects of that can be far-reaching.
Research suggests 60 per cent of people who go on a benefit before they turn 24 stay on a benefit for life.

Our future prosperity depends on the success of our children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and neighbours. As does their own sense of wellbeing.

Sustainable Business Council members, who make up 25 per cent of New Zealand’s private sector GDP, tell me they don’t want to see anyone left behind. They understand there is no easy fix and that business has a critical role to play.

And the good news is that this issue is actually an opportunity for business.

Many of our members are focused on being inclusive workplaces, because they know that diversity strengthens their business over the long-term.

But the recruitment process itself can be a barrier. Most businesses try to make the process as efficient as possible, using standard ‘positions vacant’ templates. But the language and questions in those templates is sometimes putting young talent off.

Recruitment Tips:

Keep the language simple and take a look at the requirements – Does the position actually need a person with a full drivers licence? Do you really want to see identification documents like a passport at an early phase of recruitment? These are requirements young people may not be able to meet, and enough of a barrier that they don’t complete the recruitment process.

Also think about the tone of your advert – Is it appropriate for the position and the kinds of people you want to attract? Would you go for an entry level position if you were a student and it was being pushed as a “career” opportunity, when what you’re looking for is a job? Do you really need applicants with previous experience, or would you be happy to consider someone who’s positive and eager to learn? And do you want a tradesman, or a tradesperson? Businesses report a significant increase in the number of female applicants if they explicitly write “we welcome applications from women”.

Another hurdle is the choice of advertising channel. Social media and word-of-mouth advertising can be effective ways to find young workers. Ask your staff if they know of anyone looking for work and consider sharing a post on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, for example.

Also review your screening process. SKYCITY is part of the Sustainable Business Council’s successful Welfare to Work programme pilot. When staff reviewed their recruitment process they found the best way to screen young applicants was actually with a phone call, not an online portal. They got a much better sense of a person from a conversation.

Businesses spend a lot of money and time trying to understand what motivates Generation Y and Millennial consumers. They are very media and marketing savvy, with a strong radar for insincerity and inconsistency. They have grown up with environmental and social issues on their Facebook feed. They are more socially conscious than any generation before. Many business owners have told me that ALL the applicants for graduate roles ask about their environmental and social policies.

There could be generational bias built into your recruitment processes, entirely unintentionally. You could be talking past young people and missing out on great talent.

Perhaps the gap that exists in the labour market reflects, in-part, a gap in how different generations communicate. We have so much to gain from trying new tactics and helping young people get into work.

Contact: Renee Graham, Communications Manager

Phone: +64274559104


2 Jun, 2017

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