SBC Spotlight Series: Making sense of mental wellbeing at work – your role in leading a thriving workplace
SBC Spotlight Series: Making sense of mental wellbeing at work – your role in leading a thriving workplace
SBC Spotlight Series: Making sense of mental wellbeing at work – your role in leading a thriving workplace
Supporting the mental wellbeing of your people at work is not just a legal obligation, it is also a great opportunity to improve outcomes for your organisation, people and local communities.
But it’s often difficult to know what your role as a leader is – and how you can make the best investment in supporting the mental wellbeing of your people.
Join Robert Perry, SBC’s Manager Thriving People and Francois Barton, Executive Director, Business Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum for an interactive event which will help you to understand your role in this space, and introduce you to the Forum’s practical framework in their CEO Guide to Mental Wellbeing at Work. Bringing this all to life will be James Fletcher, DLA Piper’s Chief Operating Officer.
This session will help you to make sense of your leadership work when it comes to mental wellbeing at work, and to ensure both you and your organisation are focusing on what matters.
This session will also be a chance for us to hear from you about where you need more assistance in this area, so we can best support you on this journey.
This event is open to SBC Members only.