Modern slavery laws – how ready is your organisation?
8, 10, [??], 8,000 – What’s the missing number? The answer is 77. If you answered correctly, you must have been among the 90+ business leaders who joined me at our recent deep dive on Modern Slavery, which SBC co-hosted with our friends at DLA Piper. If you couldn’t...
Thriving Communities – equipping your business for growing impact together
SBC’s Thriving Voices online event series continued last week with our kaputī kōrero focusing on community impact. Our recently launched report ‘Thriving People – Strengthening the ‘S’ in ESG’ showed business has an exciting role to progress social equity...
Takeaways from the ‘Strengthening the ‘S’ in ESG’ report launch
I am very pleased to announce the launch of the ‘Strengthening the ‘S’ in ESG’ report at SBC’s inaugural Thriving People networking event, hosted on 18 October at Fonterra’s offices. And what a hugely insightful, engaging and inspiring kōrero it was...
It’s time we strengthen the ‘S’ in ESG
By Robert Perry (Manager Thriving People) We’re all familiar with Aotearoa New Zealand’s net zero 2050 goal – but what is the equivalent ‘goal’ for social sustainability? Is there one, and if not, how do we go about setting one? Social...
Making sense of mental wellbeing at work – thoughts from Robert Perry
SBC recently hosted a Spotlight Series webinar which started a very important conversation around demystifying mental wellbeing at work and shared practical insights, tools and actions leaders can take to help build thriving workplaces. The conversation...
2023 Insights on New Zealand Sustainability Professionals survey launches
Oxygen Consulting, in partnership with Auckland University of Technology (AUT), the Sustainable Business Council (SBC), and the Sustainable Business Network (SBN), have launched their fourth annual survey on the sustainability profession in New Zealand and are inviting eligible participants to take part.

Moving beyond diversity: Spotlight on youth employment
It was incredibly inspiring to hear from Downer and SkyCity in our recent Moving beyond Diversity hui (focussed on Youth Employment). Rob Perry (Manager – Thriving People) shares his insights from the hui around how businesses can provide sustainable employment pathways for our rangatahi.

SBC welcomes six new business leaders to its Advisory Board
The Sustainable Business Council (SBC) has announced the election of six new prominent business leaders to its Advisory Board. “The SBC Advisory Board plays a critical role in providing guidance and input into the work we do. We are very pleased to be welcoming such a high calibre of business leaders, representing a cross-section of New Zealand sectors, to the Board.”