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Pānui news – 11 July

Pānui news – 11 July

In this week's edition of Pānui, the Government launches its new Climate Strategy, we share some of the social sustainability findings from Better Futures 2024, MBIE consultation opens on carbon capture regulatory regime, greater alignment is coming between GHG...

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Q&A with Dr Roger Robson-Williams (Plant & Food Research) on nature

Q&A with Dr Roger Robson-Williams (Plant & Food Research) on nature

SBC is delivering a series of guides on the fundamentals of sustainability, covering topics ranging from sustainability strategies through to nature and biodiversity. As part of this series, we caught up with our members to get their insights on some of the different...

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Business engaged in shaping EV package

Business engaged in shaping EV package

The SBC has welcomed the Government’s new Electric Vehicles Partnership Programme, which outlines a broad range of measures to encourage EV uptake including a target of electric vehicles making up 2% of the vehicle fleet by 2021.

Business engaged in shaping EV package

Focus on water management

SBC’s Kate Alcock spoke at the Waikato Regional Council’s Sustainable Waikato Forum this week, which explored key environmental and economic issues for the region, including how we use fresh water.

Materiality counts in New Zealand

Materiality counts in New Zealand

A leading reporting expert from Australia says there’s growing momentum among New Zealand companies to work out what their material issues are – that is, the most important issues for their business and a wide range of stakeholders.

Business engaged in shaping EV package

The big sustainability shift

Penny Nelson shares her views on the big sustainability shifts that have happened during her time as executive director of the Sustainable Business Council.

Business engaged in shaping EV package

The Paris Agreement

The climate change agreement reached in Paris has been hailed as a breakthrough that signals a strong will globally to address climate change. Here’s a quick summary of the Paris Agreement and what it means for business.

World Forum on Natural Capital

World Forum on Natural Capital

SBC Executive Director Penny Nelson recently attended the World Forum on Natural Capital in Edinburgh last month. The Forum brought together leading thinkers on how business and the natural environment interact.

Business engaged in shaping EV package

SD2015 CEO Forum

SBC’s Belinda vanEyndhoven attended Sustainable Business Australia’s SD2015 CEO Forum on Friday 13th November. The mood of business in the room was one of cautious optimism.

Business engaged in shaping EV package

Business Brief on Climate Change

The Sustainable Business Council and Major Companies Group have released a Business Brief on Climate Change which sets out where businesses want to lead on climate change through to 2020.