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Pānui news – 11 July

Pānui news – 11 July

In this week's edition of Pānui, the Government launches its new Climate Strategy, we share some of the social sustainability findings from Better Futures 2024, MBIE consultation opens on carbon capture regulatory regime, greater alignment is coming between GHG...

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Q&A with Dr Roger Robson-Williams (Plant & Food Research) on nature

Q&A with Dr Roger Robson-Williams (Plant & Food Research) on nature

SBC is delivering a series of guides on the fundamentals of sustainability, covering topics ranging from sustainability strategies through to nature and biodiversity. As part of this series, we caught up with our members to get their insights on some of the different...

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Advancing climate action at COP23

Advancing climate action at COP23

A lot has happened in twelve months, and it feels like we have the bit between our teeth. We’ve got plenty to navigate in the year ahead, but we’re not debating the need for climate change action any longer. COP23

Valuing Natural Capital

Valuing Natural Capital

Climate change and freshwater policies got more air time in the 2017 General Election campaign than in any year previous. It reflects a growing awareness of the state of the natural resources we use, which underpin our economy, our international reputation, and perhaps most importantly, our sense of cultural identity and well-being.

Pānui (newsletter) – Nov 9

Pānui (newsletter) – Nov 2

In this week’s update, we highlight the global meeting on climate change in Bonn, COP23, and we cover Vector’s move to become the first corporate accredited Living Wage Employer.

Valuing Natural Capital

Note to SBC members on new government

It’s true that a week is a long time in politics. Since our last Panui we have a new government who have already made major sustainability policy commitments.

Our atmosphere and climate 2017 report

Our atmosphere and climate 2017 report

It’s important for us to focus on a few very important things in the face of such grim reading. This data doesn’t tell the story of the effort, investment, time and energy that many people and businesses are putting into addressing climate change.

Our atmosphere and climate 2017 report

A sobering read: Our atmosphere and climate 2017 report

The data shows us the nature of the change that is taking place, and the scale of the challenge we face. It reinforces, yet again, the urgent need for business, government and people to work together, to develop a vision and action plan to transition to a low emissions economy.

Pānui (newsletter) – Nov 9

Pānui (newsletter) – Oct 12

In this week’s update, SBC Abbie Reynolds writes about a dinner with CEOs about what business can do about climate change, and we feature Westpac action on poverty and financial investment in the low emissions economy.

Business leaders meet on climate action

Business leaders meet on climate action

Last Thursday a bunch of New Zealand’s most respected business leaders had dinner together. To talk about climate change. And explore what they might do together to make a difference.