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Pānui news – 11 July

Pānui news – 11 July

In this week's edition of Pānui, the Government launches its new Climate Strategy, we share some of the social sustainability findings from Better Futures 2024, MBIE consultation opens on carbon capture regulatory regime, greater alignment is coming between GHG...

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Q&A with Dr Roger Robson-Williams (Plant & Food Research) on nature

Q&A with Dr Roger Robson-Williams (Plant & Food Research) on nature

SBC is delivering a series of guides on the fundamentals of sustainability, covering topics ranging from sustainability strategies through to nature and biodiversity. As part of this series, we caught up with our members to get their insights on some of the different...

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Aviva CEO Mark Wilson on climate change and being a good ancestor

The case for sustainabilty

Abbie Reynolds outlines how SMEs that integrate sustainability into their core business strategy can enjoy lower costs, reduced risk, and new opportunities.

WBCSD Council Meeting 2016

WBCSD Council Meeting 2016

The theme of the WBCSD Council Meeting this year was Implementing Sustainability at Scale. SBC’s Belinda van Eyndhoven was there as the New Zealand Global Network Partner representative.

Aviva CEO Mark Wilson on climate change and being a good ancestor

NZX hailed for leading New Zealand on sustainability reporting

The Sustainable Business Council (SBC) is hailing the NZX as taking a lead in setting New Zealand on a path to global best-practice around non-financial disclosure. The proposals are outlined in the NZX proposed updates to its Corporate Governance Guidelines released yesterday (31 August).

Aviva CEO Mark Wilson on climate change and being a good ancestor

Putting a Value on Natural Resources

New Zealand businesses are required to understand how they impact the environment, but are not as good at understanding how much they depend on natural resources and services. Abbie Reynolds provides her insights on the Natural Capital Protocol for NZ Business.