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Pānui news – 11 July

Pānui news – 11 July

In this week's edition of Pānui, the Government launches its new Climate Strategy, we share some of the social sustainability findings from Better Futures 2024, MBIE consultation opens on carbon capture regulatory regime, greater alignment is coming between GHG...

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Q&A with Dr Roger Robson-Williams (Plant & Food Research) on nature

Q&A with Dr Roger Robson-Williams (Plant & Food Research) on nature

SBC is delivering a series of guides on the fundamentals of sustainability, covering topics ranging from sustainability strategies through to nature and biodiversity. As part of this series, we caught up with our members to get their insights on some of the different...

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Continuing to move beyond diversity: Gender equality and enabling female leadership in the workplace

Continuing to move beyond diversity: Gender equality and enabling female leadership in the workplace

Gender equality and enabling female leadership in the workplace were the focus of the agenda in the latest of SBC’s ‘Moving Beyond Diversity’ hui hosted by Watercare. Thank you to the teams from Spark and Watercare who shared details of their leadership journeys. Check out more details and recordings from the session, as well as information on how you can join this important korero, in this blog.

Pānui News – June 9

Pānui News – June 9

In this week’s Pānui, sustainability is no longer an “add-on” for business, Government launches a transport innovation fund, Silver Fern Farms and BNZ make a sustainability-linked finance deal, read our submission on the National Adaptation Plan, and He Waka Eke Not releases its report.

Pānui News – June 9

Pānui News – June 2

In this week’s Pānui, an MOU between NZ and California on climate change, Maanaki Whenua and Microsoft collaborate on research, Nespresso supports kids food programme, Energy101 with BEC, and the WBCSD President shares his thoughts on the World Economic Forum.

Pānui News – June 9

Pānui News – May 26

In this week’s Pānui, the CCBC is an important opportunity for building a greener future, DB shares how they brew sustainability into everything they do, a new WEC report on green hydrogen gets energy leaders talking, top tips on conducting materiality assessments, and welcome to new SBC member HW Richardson.

Pānui News – June 9

Pānui News – May 19

In this week’s Pānui, Mike Burrell reflects on the details and significance of Aotearoa’s first Emission’s Reduction Plan in his latest update, BNZ launches New Zealand’s first Agribusiness Sustainability Linked Loan, new research commissioned by Firstgas Group identifies potential underground hydrogen storage options in Taranaki, Mitre10 partners with Jolt to roll out an electric vehicle charging network, Transpower trials a new sustainable solution for surplus materials, we farewell Climate Manager Kate Ferguson, and welcome new SBC member Phoenix Metalman Recycling. All that and much much more!

Pānui News – June 9

Pānui News – May 12

In this week’s Pānui Oxygen Consulting, in collaboration with SBC, SBN and AUT launch the 2022 Insights on New Zealand’s Sustainability Professionals. We showcase Quadrent and BNZ green funding collaboration that’s tackling e-waste and digital equity. Transpower’s debt goes green, Stuff achieves B Corp certification, Fletcher building launches a new “Stand up for your mates” campaign, and we find out who’s been selected to participate in Auckland Council’s Women4Climate mentorship programme. All that and more.

Pānui News – June 9

Pānui News – May 5

In this week’s Pānui new sea-level data reinforces the need to build climate resilience, First Gas Group appoints a new Future Fuels GM, The Warehouse Group subsidiary Torpedo 7 creates the world’s first woollen kayak, Fonterra expands its on-farm trials with seaweed, and IAG discusses how adaptation and mitigation must go hand in hand. We also welcome new member NZIER and celebrate Lion owned Havana Coffee Words opening in Auckland. All that and more, including all the latest events you can be a part of